Sunday, January 01, 2006

The X Perspective

So is there such a thing as the Gen X perspective? It is certainly not well represented in the mainstream media – if we believe that entertainers do not necessarily represent the rest of us. So what I know about “us” comes from my friends, colleagues and acquaintances, not from any research I’ve come across so far.

I suppose it should be perspectives, plural… but I find it interesting to think about what the common threads are through our generation. We are an interesting group!

Much of what has been written about us does not really resonate with me. Although I may have been a partier, (I admit nothing!) I never considered myself – or anyone I knew – a “slacker”. I knew a few burn-outs & bums, sure, but every generation has those. As the research now shows, we have always been a very hardworking group.

I also don’t relate so much to those who are pessimistic about America or about our leadership. I don’t think Gen X is particularly "tuned out" or apathetic. We do care, and when we eventually take the reins – we’re already beginning, in many ways – and I think we’ll do better job than our predecessors. There is every reason to be optimistic about America with Gen X running things! One stereotype that I suspect IS true about us is that, comparatively, we don’t tolerate bullshit the way others seem to, which may help in Washington…

So what do we have in common? How do we tend to see the world, and our place in it? And who cares?


Anonymous said...

don't know that there is any one thing that defines generation x. except being a product of the 80's. (last decade that wealth was celebrated and poverty ignored.) what comes around goes around.

Anonymous said...

I want my MTV...

"Money for nothing and your chicks for free".. they aren't talking about pimps, are they?