Saturday, December 31, 2005

New Year's Eve

I recently read an article about a proposed change to the drunk driving laws in MN - to lower the legal limit from .08 to zero.

How would that affect your lifestyle???


Anonymous said...

I could never leave the house.... at least not with keys in hand.... I think I'd have to start smoking pot instead.

Sarcasm aside, having parameters for safety is one thing, extremism is another. It would never work and society isn't ready for a law like that, although i am getting pretty good at not smoking when i go out anymore after that restriction was imposed upon me.

Anonymous said...

They should just arrest all bad drivers, whether they are impaired or not. It's a matter of safety. How well is the driver controlling his vehicle? Blood alcohol levels might explain poor control, but it's the poor control that should be illegal and prevented/punished.