Sunday, March 02, 2008

Paper Rake RIP

I was disappointed to learn that the Rake Magazine - a local free paper - is abandoning print journalism for online only! Ad revenue issues, apparently. Huge bummer.

I was happy to see that my favorite Rake columnist, Colleen Kruse, seems to be continuing her Motley Kruse column online... bummer I can't read it while waiting for a friend at a bar or for my aerobics class to start anymore, but I'm glad she's still writing.

So I guess I should be happy that it is continuing online, and just get with the times and accept that print journalism has limited appeal these days? I'm not sure. I still get the paper delivered daily, and though I only have time to read it probably 3 days a week, I like it when I do.

Maybe that means I'm getting old! ;)

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