Saturday, March 15, 2008

Feminism for a New Generation?

A friend bought me "The Bad Girls' Weekly Engagement Calendar" by Cameron Tuttle, author of "The Bad Girls' Guide to the Open Road" and other comedy books aimed a young women. It promotes a "run your own life" lifestyle that may not be entirely realistic if you have to work for a living, but is certainly attractive on paper!

One page in the calendar really cracked me up - a comparison of "good girl" and "bad girl" behavior. A few examples:

A good girl... plays it safe.
A bad girl... plays by her own rules.

A good girl... sits back a waits.
A bad girl... gets out and dates.

A good girl... always wants to fit in.
A bad girl... always wants to sleep in.

A good girl... never questions authority.
A bad girl... never questions her gut vibe.

A good girl... would rather be liked than difficult.
A bad girl... would rather be loved and difficult.

A good girl... believes in compromising.

A bad girl... believes in living the dream.

Now which one do you want to be?

It reminds me of the Louise Thatcher Ulrich quote: "Well-behaved women rarely make history." No doubt.

1 comment:

John said...

TV on DVD, rent this: