Saturday, March 08, 2008

Kudos to Rybak

Have to give the mayor credit when he deserves it! The Strib printed a preview clip today from his upcoming State of the City address:

"Stop and think about it:
The only natural waterfall in the Mississippi powered first lumber mills, with logs that came down the Mississippi, then flour mills, with grain that came either down the Mississippi or in James J. Hill's trains. Innovative business leaders created these mills. In the mills were immigrants from around the globe. This became the milling capital of the world. General Mills and Pillsbury grew up out of that. That's why we have this great standard of living. That's the story.

What are we doing right now? Once again, people are coming from all over the world in an innovation economy, in a city that's inclusive, using partnerships that are not just about other parts of Minnesota, but about more of the globe. That's why our partnership, not only with immigrants, but with students, is so critical. We are doing again what we did before."

Amen, Minneapolis.

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