Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Orange Dots?

As always, Melissa simply takes a walk and comes up with something profound:

I counted four marked trees. They have these florescent orange dots on them. I imagine Arch Benham would tell me that they have dutch elm disease, they need to be cut down.

What would happen if people had orange dots on them? Wouldn't it make navigation and relationships so much simpler?
"Do not get involved here. This person is sick. Will contaminate you, and destroy your forest; your root system will start to break down." (I have no idea what Dutch Elm does....maybe I should look into this...?)

I can think of a few involvements that would not have taken the path they did had an orange dot existed to warn me away! But then again - the journey is what it is... I would not be who I am today without all of those experiences, so I do not ask to trade any of them away. I don't believe in regret - just growth and, hopefully, learning from experience!


Queen Mab said...

What color dot would we have on us, eh, Em? hahah!

I had no idea you posted this, or a couple others. I'm so flattered.

And I love your writing as response - the extended reflections, musings: These are all gift to me!

I'm grateful. I'm humbled. I send you Love!

Emily Lilja Palmer said...

Orange has never been my color ;)

You - probably yellow because you're so sunny...

Me - probably purple? Who knows?