Saturday, September 22, 2007

Gen X in Power

I’m intrigued by Gen X in power. More of my friends are moving into spaces of influence in their careers and I wonder – how are we different from those who held those positions before us? In some cases, no one did – some are in positions that didn’t even exist a decade ago. But others, like me, are in positions that have existed for a long time. How do I approach my work differently than my predecessors?

A couple things come to mind.

I suspect I’m more inclusive. Is that because I was born in 1968? Yes, I am a product of the feel-good education movement of the 70’s, but I was a high-achiever, so I don’t think that affected me much – certainly not by creating in me any great need for the opinions of others. I am inclusive because I want to be included, so I extend that to others.

I’m not authoritarian. But what does that have to do with my birth year? I suffered under many teachers and bosses who were, and didn’t like it, so I’m different? Hardly. Generations for centuries have learned from authoritarian leaders and turned out just like them. Why should I be different?

I think my leadership is an expression of my personality, and maybe that’s where Gen X comes in to play. It’s not about my age or birth year, except that we believe more in authenticity. I allow my personality into my work because I believe in living out loud, in being who I am, and impacting the world accordingly.

That would not be a bad legacy for our generation.

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