Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Little Mosque on the Prairie

Seriously! A new Canadian sit-com about Muslims who start a mosque in an abandoned chruch in a rural Saskatchewan town. Check it out on YouTube - several episodes are there, broken into 5-10 minute clips. I watched the whole first episode and it IS pretty funny.

The StarTribune article about it today notes that while many Muslims were initially wary about such a thing, once they watched it, they liked it. It's funny and real - positive portrayals AND actually entertaining.

Figures it's a Canadian show, not American!

Another ridiculously entertaining Canadian show, Trailer Park Boys, is worth a look... a show about 2 guys who get out of prison and try to get their lives in order. A friend bought the whole first season, and when we sat down to watch it, we watched three in a row! It's silly and sometimes pointless, but very funny...

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