Saturday, February 24, 2007

Watching and waiting...

Watching the '08 presidential race shape up has been interesting so far. Folks may not realize there are as many old white men in the race as there are, given the attention that Clinton & Obama are getting!

I would love to support Obama - just because he's young and enthusiastic! But he knows less about the workings of Washington (and world politics) than Bush Jr did, and relying on experienced but less accountable advisers is not my first choice after the last 6 years of disaster! And my bet is that at some point he will crash hard - if only because that's what the media does to celebrities in this day & age. He might be perfect, but at whatever point the media gets sick of him, a cousin's financial troubles could bring him down. (And remember - given what Minnesota went through with the Ellison/Lee/Fine campaign, we know there are a lot of folks who like to think they'd support a candidate of color, but won't when it comes down to it.)

Similarly, it is sociologically fascinating to watch how people react to Clinton's candidacy. I think it's revealing of people's views on society in general. Optimists love her; pessimists say she can't win. Progressives who embrace gender equality embrace her; folks who prefer tradition (of whatever they're comfortable with) prefer more traditional candidates.

I suspect a significant generational difference in support for her too, only not the "younger folks more progressive, older folks more traditional" dynamic we've come to expect. In this case, I think Boomer women will vote for Clinton hands-down, but Gen X women will be a little more cautious. Ironically, I think because our generation is more open to a female candidate, we are less inclined to vote for Hillary because she's female. (Gen Y? Not sure. We'll see!)

Food for thought...

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