Thursday, February 08, 2007


A colleague told me yesterday that a discussion in his 12th grade class about homelessness turned personal as students started to share their own stories: four different kids told stories of being homeless because parents were absent, or on drugs, or just didn't have any money... and most of the rest of the class knew someone in similar circumstances.

One boy said that he had a job last year through which he made the most money in his family - but after losing that job felt he "had" to go back to crime to survive... another girl said she'd rather be homeless than with her abusive family... a third student said he was "sort of" homeless since although he has no parents, his aunt helps him out...

And who gets blamed when these kids don't graduate on time???

I absolutely believe that those of us in the schools need to do EVERYTHING we can - and then some - to ensure that kids have access to the knowledge & skills they need to be successful. I also believe that when they come to us unmotivated, it IS our job to try to motive them.

But that's why we do as well as we do. To do better, our kids need resources - better medical care, stable housing, support for families... Schools have had counseling & social work budgets slashed to ribbons in the last 5 years - but if we can't provide these services, then who will?

In an ideal world, teachers would be paid to do things like call home - or even visit parents at home - that would help our kids. But I routinely spend about 10 hours a week unpaid just on curriculum and assessment - my own daughter needs some of my time too.

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