Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Those who forget history are doomed to...

Given America's current state of war, lack of international good will, national debt, polarized political parties and citizen dissatisfaction, what society in early 20th century history do we most resemble?

Think about it for a minute...

If you guessed Germany's pre-Hitler Weimar Republic, you're right!

If you didn't... no surprise, most of us would never think of that comparison. But Brian E. Fogarty, a sociology professor at St Kate's, makes that case in today's StarTribune - with interesting results. Not to imply that we're on the brink of fascism, but he does assert that we're on the brink of losing sight of our democratic ideals out of fear and distraction. Hmm...

See what you think:

1 comment:

Yodood said...

Please see my post:

Hitler taught Bush every thing he's done.