Sunday, September 10, 2006

Before the Primary

So the primary is in two days... I think there has been a lot of energy generated and the voting turnout will be good - at least I hope so! It's interesting to have several very competitive races at this point.

I sent the following email last week to just about everyone I know who lives in the 5th... I am still frustrated by otherwise thoughtful people who are not supporting Ellison but can't give any significant reason WHY - which I interpret as "I'm not ready to vote for the black/muslim guy". Bums me out! So I tried to provide a lot of info to help folks clarify their thinking:

Friends in the 5th-
We all know that the primary on 9/12 will all but determine our next 5th district representative to congress. Keith Ellison deserves your time to show up and vote for him on Tuesday! But I know many of you are still struggling with this decision, so I've pulled together some info for you. Ellison has been endorsed by Mondale, Rybak, Frasier, McCollum, Kelliher, McLaughlin, Pogemiller, Kelley, Moe, Spear... and of course the American Federation of Teachers, among many others! See the full list: Before you vote, please read the recent City Pages article about Ellison & this race: And Nick Coleman's July Strib column about all the controversy: MPR's website has some audio clips of various Ellison speeches & interviews, as well as articles:

And if you haven't recycled it yet, read the Friday 9/1 Strib article, "Email smear is traced to rival aide" (buried on p. B7) about the "anonymous emails" that turned out to be from Paul Ostrow's campaign chair! Ostrow has fired the man and denied any knowledge of it, but it does point out to us that all the negative press has not been just because Ellison has baggage, but because someone purposely - and anonymously - made sure the media knew about it. How sad. [Also provided info on upcoming debates which have now passed.]

Bottom line in my mind:
Like me, you believe God wants better for people who are not doing as well as we are. You know we should do something about it, and Ellison has presented us with "something". Ellison will be a great rep if given the chance. His work on the north side and in the legislature has shown that again and again. The people of the north side - and the south side - and the suburbs - deserve a leader they can look up to, who inspires hope for meaningful change. YOU can make this happen. I hope you do! :) Please pass this on ASAP to other 5th district voters, and take the time to vote on Sept 12th! THANK YOU!!!


Anonymous said...

Get a clue! The reason people don't want to vote for Ellison isn't because he's black and Muslim. The reason is that he's a former member of the Nation of Islam, a rabidly anti-Semitic hate group, who continues to associate with people who have ties to terrorism, like Nihad Awad of CAIR. He also has showed careless disregard for the law - not paying parking tickets, taxes, or campaign finance violation fines.

THAT's why people aren't voting for Ellison - WAKE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's not racism - it's that his behavior shows that he's not ready to be a Congressman. Sheesh!

Emily Lilja Palmer said...

I think the writer doth protest too much... the veil of annonymity makes it hard to take the denial of racism very seriously...

As to the points, I wonder if those associations don't give him a more mature perspective - at least a more informed one?

If one is a former Catholic, are they accountable for every dictate of the pope?

Scroll down & check out Nick Coleman's column on the parking tickets & fines - our beloved governor has racked up much larger fines in the name of shady dealings than Ellison ever will...