Saturday, February 11, 2006

Let's Give 'Em Something to Talk About

Today's column by David Brooks of the NY Times makes the interesting point that what he calls "Islamists" (as distiguished from Muslims - apparently this is a new label for fundamentalists) don't just have different ideas than we do, they have a different realtionship to ideas. They are opposed to freedom of thought, not just freedom of speech. Scary!

Scarier, to me, is the mention that many of these radical leaders were "educated in the West" but recoiled from a society they found not just distasteful, but shocking. So these are not ignorant people - they are educated & understand our way of life - and they loathe it.

Try to walk a mile in those shoes!

Incidentally, I was amused that you can't read Brooks' column on line at NYTimes w/o paying a fee, but you can read it on the STrib's website, no problem. Lucky for us! :) Check it out!

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