Sunday, November 04, 2007

Post from Philly (Not)

U Penn's Parent Weekend: actually took a day off work & went out to see my kid. Had such a good time I didn't even think to post!

Nothing earth-shattering, nothing even that interesting... uneventful flights both ways, no big agenda other than SHOPPING - we didn't go to any of the Penn events. I thought it was cool that my kid actually got us tickets to a spoken word poetry performance Sat night - very cool thing to do together!

This was my third trip to Philly this year - we visited in the spring when she was choosing, I took her out this summer to move in, and now I went back just to visit.
I'm learning my way around the area so well that I didn't bother to check the directions from the campus to the airport - I just went the way that seemed familiar and it worked perfectly.

So I guess that means I'm getting comfortable with her being out there...?

Yes - I'm still not a huge fan of living alone, but my daughter loves college and she loves U Penn, so I'm comfortable with her being out there. She's doing well - what more can I ask?

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