Friday, June 01, 2007

What's Your Question?

At first, the U of MN's "Driven to Discover" add campaign seemed cute but kinda silly - until I happened to find the question of the day interesting, clicked on the link, and found serious answers to all these random but unique questions, including:

Why is it that the heart does not get cancer as often as other organs in the body?

* Why can’t we all use the metric system? (we will)

Will we ever speak to dolphins? (kinda)

* Is peace in the Middle East and surrounding nations really possible? (not likely)

Do we have memories stored from before we were born? (yes)

* Can we provide health care for everyone? (yes)

Do the arts reflect society or vice versa? (both)

There are a bazillion questions - use the page numbers on the bottom to scroll back through them - each one with a short, easy-to-comprehend, but scholarly answer. Random but totally fascinating. Check it out!

1 comment:

Mr. B. said...

Here are some actual questions from the location you cite. There are plenty more like this, but you get the idea:

How much cotton is in a 100% cotton shirt?

How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

What are the eleven secret herbs and spices in original recipe Kentucky Fried Chicken?

What is the meaning of life?

Why do they sterilize needles for lethal injections?

Why do dog pads smell like corn chips?

What was there before there was anything?

What exactly is dejà vu and what causes it?

Is there such a thing as free energy?

Will dogmatic beliefs ever segue into an appreciation of the beauty and awe within the scientific perspective?

How can our local government best cope with increasing numbers of physically and memory impaired residents?

Why do M & M’s melt in your mouth and not in your hands?

What would happen if I went back in time and killed my great-great grandfather?

Do flowers have feelings?

What kind of DNA did Jesus have? DNA comes from both parents and one of Jesus’ parents was a human woman, and the other was a spiritual entity.

As a commuter, I have often wondered why highway 94 isn’t connected to highway 35E southbound. Is this political in any way?

Science claims that lightning is some crazy interaction of atmospheric elements in the atmosphere. But why does it demarcate land boundaries in Kenya?

Is the technological singularity real? When will it happen?

Why does the shower curtain float inwards when I take a shower?

Why is college so expensive?

I will presume to answer the last question. The four million dollar (and growning) Driven to Discover campaign?