Sunday, May 13, 2007

She's Right!

I don't make a habit of agreeing with Katherine Kersten (much as Mitch won't often agree w/ Syl Jones, but hey, that's OK) but this week she was right on.

Most of you know that I'm a big Efrem Smith fan, so her profile of his work with Sanctuary Covenant Church is all good as far as I'm concerned.

Of course, calling "family breakdown" a problem is NOT the same as saying women need to skeedaddle back to the kitchen - tread with caution here! - but it's still a righteous issue for many of our kids today.

Efrem points out that this is not just a poor kid issue - though my work on the north side in recent years tells me it IS an issue for them - but it's real for ALL of our MN kids. Efrem says that: "this void, this hole from having no moral compass or guidance at home, can only be filled spiritually." Before you recoil from the straight-out moralizing, think about it. I will say that, anecdotally, my students who have a strong faith absolutely do better in school than those who do not.


Efrem posits: "If you believe that you are beloved of God... you believe you're on earth for a purpose, and you can make it."


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