Saturday, November 04, 2006

Tick... Tick... Tick...

The countdown to the election promises to be nothing but interesting! Replacing the scary pedophile senator scandal with Kerry's bad joke scandal... what's next? Can't wait to see!

It's sad that the days of office-holders running on their record - "here's what I've done that you can be proud of" - are so over. Every time I see/hear a negative ad, all I can think is how pathetic it is that incumbents don't seem to have much to run on. And even sadder - negative ads are used because they work! America is not, apparently, a land of geniuses...

One very cool thing is that most of the big-office candidates in MN this year are younger! Quite a few are in their 40's: Pawlenty 46, Klobuchar 46, Kennedy 49, Ellison 43, and Tammy Lee is only 35! Gotta love it. (And Bill Clinton, who used to be Mr. Young Guy, is now 60!) Only Ellison & Lee are really Gen X, but the others are still early career, and I think that's awesome.

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