Monday, May 08, 2006


My 20th high school reunion is coming up this summer, and I’ve been working with the planning committee for the last few months. Interesting times...

It’s really fun to see how people are turning out. I doubt anyone who knew me in high school would have guessed I would become a teacher & administrator!

Planning this one has been affected by two major cultural trends – technology and mobility. On the one hand, very few of us have parents still living in the house they did when we were in high school – and even classmates with updated addresses from the 10-year reunion have all moved - probably more than once. On the other hand, it’s much easier to find people now that we have email, a website, and “”!

1 comment:

David Blakeslee said...

Hi Emily, random blog surfer here. I like your progressive perspective and I'll bookmark this for future visits. I don't know how you define Gen X - I was born in 1961 which is on the old end of that group I know but my life experience kind of presages what the stereotypical GenXer went through - parents divorced, loss of youthful idealism and hope in the future, crash'n'burn cynicism, only to regroup later on but then even calling that regroup into question in a cycle of endlessly ironic self-analysis and ego-absorbing reflecting on what I could genuinely embrace or believe to be true...

Anyway, nice blog, keep at it and know that even strangers like me notice and appreciate what you're doing.