Thursday, March 30, 2006

Three Very Interesting Weeks...

So the logic board fritzed out on my laptop, and for reasons I will never understand it took Apple over 2 weeks to find a logic board to put in it, after which it took about a day & a half to repair & return it. I finally have it back - but going without it was a lifestyle change in itself! Even though I have another computer at home & at work, it was still really frustrating...

...which I know is really pathetic.

And then my car has also been in the shop for 3 weeks - the SAME 3 weeks, coincidentally - so that's been an adventure. I was eventually able to go up & get a bunch of stuff I didn't think to grab before they towed it away, and that helped. But even though I have my old car to drive, it's not the same! I want my car back! Hopefully, it will be done tomorrow...

The first two weeks, I actually did OK. I waited and got on with other things. But that was long enough. The third week has just been nothing but a pain.

Yes, the experience has made me thankful for my many blessings, blah blah blah... but it has mostly made me thankful for insurance and for God. This has been a lesson in patience that I know I sorely needed. So OK, I get it. I'm working on it. I promise.

Can I have my car back now???????

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ah, perhaps God was giving you the chance to compare the "peaceful" slower life with the busy, eventful one you describe in subsequent blogs?

I understand that your life went on, but the events in our life correspond with our needs and allow us to reflect.