Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Blessings on a Bad Day

Amazing how a day of problems can be, in retrospect, a day of blessings! Monday I started the day (Monday, remember) waking up to my cell phone ringing - which it shouldn't have been not only because sane people don't call each other at 6am, but also because I usually keep it on vibrate to avoid such problems! BUT I realized as I woke up that I had no power - and no alarm - and it was already 6am so I was thankful for the wake-up after all! :)

Then out to drive to work in a snowstorm - yuck - but made it safely, so thankful for that! Only about 1/4 of the students came to school, so although my plans for the week were messed up (grr) it was a mellow & enjoyable day, so that was nice too. Got a lot of work done - thankful again.

Driving home through the ice & snow to pick up my daughter, my car spun out on the freeway & slammed into the concrete median - smashed up the car pretty badly - but I'm mostly fine, I have good insurance, AAA, a great mom who will go pick up my kid when I can't, and another car to use while this one's in the shop, so I'm again feeling blessed & thankful.

And one more little blessing: my laptop is in the shop - huge annoyance - but it wasn't in the car to get thrown around the back seat like the folders in my bag!

Life is good! :)

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